What is LSIC?
Local School Improvement Councils (LSIC) are required per W.Va. Code ยง 18-5A-2. These councils exist at each public school in West Virginia. Membership of the LSIC is comprised of teachers, service personnel, bus drivers, parents, business and community representatives. An election occurs annually for membership. The LSIC is directly involved with the operation of the local school in many ways.
The LSIC reviews discipline data and procedures yearly and submits written recommendations to the local school board. They encourage involvement of the school community with the school operation through regular LSIC meetings and collaboration. They support local initiative for school improvement by being directly involved with the strategic planning and innovative ideas. A direct link with the local school board occurs through an annual meeting at which all school aspects inclusive of academics, athletics, discipline, school climate, facilities, needs, improvement and recommendations are presented and discussed.
Elkview Middle LSIC Members
Principal - Melissa Lovejoy (voting member)
Assistant Principal - Jennifer Wible (non-voting member)
- Shayla Hughes (7th grade)
- Cody Hobbs (Special Education)
- Cayte Vigilante (Counselor)
Service staff
- Andy Pence (Head Custodian)
- Jessica Larch (classroom aide)
- Mickey Stewart
- Brian Sayre
- Julie Jarrett
At-Large Members
- Holli Hess (resides in attendance area)
- Kay Summers (represents business and industry)